A hundred years ago (well, not quite that many years ago but it has been quite a while) I was a 19 year old student at this tiny new Christian college in Virginia (now Liberty Univeristy) and joining me on campus was this crazy funny guy named Mark Lowry. Back then, nobody knew who he was at first, but as the years went on Mark worked alongside the Gaithers and did some other pretty neat ministry service. And, along the way, he penned the now well-known song that we enjoy "Mary, Did You Know?" It was sung beautifully last night at the CSU concert. But I also simply love playing the Youtube video I have placed here....it is so impactful. May our worship extend way beyond Christmas and all the wonderful things that happened in Bethlehem so many years ago!
Mary, Did You Know?
Keith 3 years ago I took over pastorate at Florence Baptist Church. I am sad that the youtube uploaded video failed of my daughter and I singing that song together for our Christmas service. My daughter graduates from HS next week and she hangs in the balance between the world and Christianity. Her public education has greatly given many great moments but the HS years have her steeped mentally in postmodern secularism. I pray daily God will fill her mind with the moments of service to Christ over the years and that she will totally commit all out to Christ.