Tuesday, September 26, 2017

If I refuse my place as the creature before the Creator and do not commit myself to him for his use, this is sin.  And anything else is also misery.  How can you enjoy God on any other level than what you are, and in the present situation?  Anything else will bring misery, a torturing of the poor, divided personality we are since the fall.  To live moment by moment through faith on the basis of the blood of Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit is the only really integrated way to live.  This is the only way to be at rest with myself, for only in this way am I not trying to carry what I cannot.

From:  Schaeffer, Francis A.  (1971).  True Spirituality.  Wheaton:  Tyndale House Publishers

Heard this man lecture many times.  Sometimes we are slow to learn life-changing truth.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

"Because he, who not only loves me but is Love, is so great, I live beyond harm in his hands;  and there is nothing that can happen to me that will not turn out to my good.  Nothing."

From:  Willard, Dallas.  (2002).  Renovation of the Heart.  Colorado Springs: NavPress

That is something to remember and treasure!
"A society that welcomes people of all races and social classes, that is characterized by love and not polarization, that cares most for its weakest members, that stands for justice and righteousness in a world enamored with selfishness and decadence, a society in which members compete for the privilege of serving one another---this is what Jesus meant by the kingdom of God"

From:  Yancey, Philip.  1995.  The Jesus I never knew.  Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan

Wow, what a POWERFUL statement!  To COMPETE for the PRIVILEGE OF SERVING one another.  If only we could say that that is what we see is happening.....